Marginalia and Repairs


There are no distinct watermarks on the pages or any hints ar ownership. There are several examples of marginalia, or handwritten notes in the margins, throughout the Gradual. They are all written in what seems like a version of older Spanish, but they merely indicate on how to properly sing through the chants. 


Unfortunately, the gradual is very bad condition and must be handled with extreme care. The pages are made of vellum, or dried calf skin, and have been severely water damaged over the years. The corners of the pages are also delicate as they have cracked and ripped. Some holes have appeared and there is evidence that bugs, likely termites and silverfish, may have gotten to it. There apparently have been numerous attempts to correct and restore the gradual. The binding was replaced sometime in the nineteenth century and there are visible attempts on some pages to repair tears. Some have sewn repairs through the vellum, as well as taped pieces to hold pages together, and glued extra pieces of vellum.

Marginalia and Repairs